Prof. Allen Yi, The Ohio State University, USA

Prof. Allen Yi, The Ohio State University, USA

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Prof. Allen Yi, The Ohio State University, USA

Prof Allen Yi received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Boston University in 1993. He conducted doctoral research under the direction of Prof Thomas Bifano working on an innovative ultraprecision machining process for ceramic mirrors. He subsequently joined Corning Precision Lens as a staff scientist where his main responsibilities included development of advanced manufacturing processes of optical molds for refractive and diffractive lenses. In 2002, Prof Yi joined the Ohio State University as an assistant professor. He was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 2008 and to full professor in 2012. Prof Yi’s research activities have been in the general area of precision engineering with focus in high volume optical fabrication, advanced manufacturing processes for freeform and microoptics fabrication as well as micromachining processes for medical and biomedical device fabrication. Prof Yi’s current research interests include compression molding of glass optics, injection molding of high precision polymer optics and microlens and diffractive lens fabrication. Prof Yi has more than 100 referred journal publications and frequently presents his work at international conferences in precision optical fabrication and micromachining. Prof Yi has been the coordinator and member of the ASPE (American Society for Precision Engineering)’s scholarship review team. Outside ASPE, he frequently participates in the conferences at EUSPEN and ASPEN. Prof Yi currently served as the associate editor for both Advanced Optical Technologies and International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing.

艺苑,一九六三年出生于内蒙古呼和浩特。现任美国俄亥俄州立大学工业工程教授。主攻精密工程、光学加工、超精密加工、光学玻璃(包括可见光和红外)热压精密成型、光学塑胶精密注射成型、微纳加工及微器件(MEMS)设计和加工、超精密加工仿真、非球面和自由曲面光学器件超精密设计,加工和测量。艺苑于一九八一年入中国科技大学精密机械和精密仪器系。一九八九年十二月赴美国波士顿大学攻读博士学位。一九九三年初取得博士学位后随即加盟美国康宁精密透镜公司(辛辛那提)任研究员。二零零二年,他应聘到哥伦布的俄亥俄州立大学做助教授。二零零八年升副教授(终身教授)。二零一二年升正教授。他的主要研究方向有三个,分别是超精密金刚石切削、微器械和微纳加工及玻璃透镜的精密热压成型。在超精密金刚石切削加工方面,主要研究课题是慢刀和快刀系统在光学器件加工方面的应用。在微器件和微纳加工工艺研究当中,他和他的学生结合金刚石超精加工工艺和光刻技术,成功在硅片和玻璃基底上加工出具有独特功能的三维光学器件,如三维微透镜及复眼结构。这项技术非常适合微米到毫米尺度加工,长期以来被认为是一项技术真空。二零零六年,他因在玻璃精密模压上的贡献获美国自然科学基金会的CAREER奖。他长期在美国精密工程学会(ASPE)担任组织工作,同时也兼任高级光学技术(Advanced Optical Technologies)和国际极端制造(International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing)的编委之一。近年来经常担任两岸三地精密工程年会的国际专家组成员,评审会议稿件及主持小组会议。